As we’ve now compiled data for 3 years, comparing data from one year to the next reveals some important differences worth noting. Small business crime has increased significantly from 63% to 79%, while small businesses made cuts to employee healthcare benefits. We encourage you to view the 2022 We Are Here report side by side with the 2021 We Are Here report.
And in 2022 we see that holiday and annual sales data remain largely consistent with the majority of sales happening in-store.
While there are some hopeful signs of growth and some small businesses reporting increases in revenue, the open comments sections reveal significant challenges and pain in the small business community.
Key survey input to share:
There needs to be a grand grant/financial support/thank you from the city for those of us that have put our business on the front lines for the community to still have a place they hold safe, when we have put our own lives + livelihoods in the hands of Portland Proper…
We need BIG leadership, I think. We need someone really focusing on cost of living or bringing new money into our local economy. We need the public to hear over and over and over again to get out of their house, walk their neighborhood streets, go and spend money in local businesses. And we need police, graffiti and trash clean up, fair parking enforcement, homelessness to be addressed, etc. etc. etc.
Rent continues to increase despite all the hardships that operating in a pandemic, recession and increased crime. This is another hit that pushes businesses to close (we may be forced to close soon!)
Small business/home owners pay a lot in taxes and are royally getting screwed in this city! Would love to see policy makers actually helping keep small businesses around rather than running them out of town!

These surveys are a massive undertaking and we appreciate every small business owner who took the time to share their experience and their data in an effort to build community so together we can be stronger and show that We Are Here.
Please consider becoming a Bricks Need Mortar member today and support this important work so we can continue to advocate for this community!